domingo, 6 de junho de 2010

Bullying, what is it?
The term covers all forms of aggressive attitudes, intentional and repeated that no evident reason, performed by one or more students against another (s), causing pain and anguish, and implemented within an unequal power relationship. The targets are people or groups who are disadvantaged or suffer the consequences of the behaviors of others and who lack the resources, status or ability to react or stop the harmful acts against them. They are usually somewhat sociable. A strong feeling of insecurity prevents them from asking for help. They are people without hope about the possibilities to suit the group. Low self-esteem is compounded by critical interventions or indifference of adults about their suffering. Some believe are worthy of being imposed on them. They have few friends, are passive, quiet and do not react effectively to acts of aggression suffered. Therefore, the repeated acts of equals (students) and the imbalance of power are the essential characteristics that make it possible to intimidate the victim.

"Mentes Perigosas nas escolas:Bullying" - Ana Beatriz Barbosa da Silva

In "Mentes pergosas nas escolas:Bullying" Ana Beatriz talks about a kind of violence increasingly reported,that must be fought.Above the bullies(the aggressors) choose a student who is unequal power,generally he has also introduced a low self-esteem."The bullying's practice exarcebates the existing problem so how can open psychological disorders and behavioral that,often bring inrreversible damage."

"In the daily exercise of my job,and after a thorough investigation of the patients history of life,I note that not only children and teenagers suffer from this unseemly practice,but many adults still experience intense distress arising from a traumatic student life",alerts the psychiatrist.

In a accessive and lightening way,the book makes a investigation of the problem,bringing necessary information to the parents,teachers,students and professionals from diverse fields to indentify this type of violence and combat it.

I this video below,the psychiatrist speaks in the program "Altas Horas" about her book and about the diference between bullying and humor/joke :

The consequences of bullying for the victim are many, for example: low self-esteem, fear, anxiety, nightmares, reluctance to go to school and the same rejection, anxiety, difficulties in interpersonal relationships, difficulty concentrating, decreased school performance, headaches, stomach aches and pains-not specified, sudden mood swings, vomiting, bedwetting, poor appetite or excessive appetite, crying, sleeplessness, fear of darkness, panic attacks for no reason, tightness in the heart, increasing the application of money to parents and family, theft of items at home, the emergence of educational material and personal damage, loss of school equipment, abuse of alcohol and drugs, self harm, stress, suicide. Over time, victims of bullying can retrieve both of these traumas suffered during school, how can they develop them more and more by entering an irreversible point. The overrun, or not, these kind of traumas through the victims' families, as well as the environment where they live, through their social relations and its own personality.

Combat & Prevention

To combat and prevent bullying, it's necessary, firstly, that victims have full support of the people around you, as parents, friends and teachers.
• The teachers should be designed to promote the awareness of students about bullying, for them understood that this is a very serious thing, not a joke.
The school had to apply dynamics and activities for students to become involved with the issue, making them understand the importance of correlated well with others. The school board also needs to rebuild the image that students have the leadership, they often feel intimidated from going there, but they should look at the direction of the school as a support to solve any problem they have at school .

• Parents should watch the behavior of their children, monitoring how they are doing in school, try talking to them about their friends or any subject to gain the trust of their children so they can tell them anything if are having problems. Another thing they need to look at is whether their children are not very aggressive, capable of generating the bullying.

• Friends should support the victims, leaving them to be alone or feel alone to prevent them from becoming depressed people, ashamed or afraid of interacting with others.

Some websites have created campaigns against bullying, as the magazine's website CAPRICHO

Some celebrities are also supporting the campaign against bullying, for example Demi Lovato

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